Participação do projeto ALMADA na IV Edição do Congresso Ibero Americano em Investigações em Conservação e restauro, que decorreu de 12 a 18 de Outubro no Museu da Farmácia e Faculdade de Belas Artes em Lisboa. Este ano o tema era subordinado ao tema “Práticas Sustentáveis no Património”. The presentations made by three Conservators-Restorers were intended to give an insight into the importance of the documentary record as a witness and starting point for future interventions, and the growing need for sharing, interaction and involvement of communities in the future safeguarding of Cultural Heritage.
.Inês Cardoso, Claudia Pereira, Michele Portela, Irene Frazão, Gabriela Carvalho, Milene Gil, The murals by Almada Negreiros in the Gares Marítimas de Alcântara and Rocha do Conde de Óbidos; documentary research and analytical investigation of past conservation and restoration interventions;
.Milene Gil and Catarina Pinheiro, The open science strategy and community involvement in the ALMADA project.
Because the Conservators-Restorers have an important role in the study, dissemination, education and safeguarding of cultural heritage.
The recordings will soon be available online for your viewing.
Abstract book at: