[Almada Negreiros and Eduard Munch finally meet]

Participação do projeto ALMADA no prestigioso congresso MUNCH2022: Understanding Munch and the art at the turn of the centuries between the museum and the laboratory, que decorreu em Oslo de 21 a 23 de Março. As duas apresentações visaram dar a conhecer os materiais de pintura de Almada Negreiros encontrados no seu atelier em Bicesse e as potencialidades de reproduções de pintura mural para o entendimento de questões técnicas e materiais.

Participation of ALMADA project in the prestigious congress MUNCH2022: UNDERSTANDING MUNCH AND THE ART AT THE TURN OF THE CENTURIES BETWEEN THE MUSEUM AND THE LABORATORY which took place in Oslo from 21 to 23 March. The two presentations aimed to make known the painting materials of Almada Negreiros found in his atelier in Bicesse and the potential of mural painting reproductions for the understanding of technical and material issues.